Acleda's ATMs to receive electricity payments
After being chosen by the Cambodian government to facilitate tax payments, Acleda Bank's ATMs will now receive electricity payments in behalf of the Electricité du Cambodge.
EDC is a state-owned limited liability company to generate, transmit, and distribute electric power through-out the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Acleda Bank Plc. has deployed 62 ATMs and plan to deploy 105 ATMs more before the end of 2009 in response to the requirements and servicing to clients and public including customers of EDC.
"ACLEDA Bank has a wide branch network connected by modern telecommunications systems and is well established in the country, especially in Phnom Penh and Kandal province with deploying ATMs to provide services for 24 hours in 7 days per week. Furthermore, the using of commercial banking system to manage the payment transactions of using electric power is designed to enhance the financial accountability of EDC with effectiveness," said H.E Keo Ratanak, Royal Government of Cambodia Delegate in Charge of Managing EDC, on why they selected Acleda Bank to receive payments in its behalf.
President and CEO of ACLEDA Bank Plc., Mr. In Channy, said that "ACLEDA Bank Plc. is proud in receiving confidence and being selected by EDC to provide payment services of using electric power through Acleda Bank's ATM after ACLEDA Bank has been selected by the Ministry of Economy and Finance for providing banking services on national revenue and expense transactions in June."