, Malaysia

Public Bank and ING unveil lady and child plans

Public Bank and ING launched separate insurance plans for females and children.

PB-ING One Lady, PB-ING One Lady Premier, and PB-ING One Health Junior were designed by Public Bank Berhad and ING Insurance Berhad to provide customers with unique tailor-made solutions to meet their individual needs.

The full benefits available in PB-ING One Lady include protection against death, total and permanent disability, female-related illnesses including cancers, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Lupus Nephritis) and Carcinoma-In-Situ as well as coverage for fractures due to osteoporosis. It is available at a premium starting from US$34.27 a month.

PB-ING One Lady Premier meanwhile has all the benefits of PB-ING One Lady plus Maternity Benefits as well as protection against pregnancy complications such as neonatal death and infant congenital illnesses including Down’s Syndrome and Cleft Palate. The plan is available with a monthly premium rate starting from US$38.38.

Both PB-ING One Lady and PB-ING One Lady Premier also offer protection against facial reconstructive surgery and skin grafting from burns due to accident and malignant skin cancer as well as double insurance protection for female cancer, and the plans allow for conversion to different coverages in the future.

PB-ING One Health Junior benefits meanwhile include protection against critical illness, disability, death as well as hospitalisation, surgical, out-of-hospital coverage and continual protection for the child up to the age of 25 should the parent or payor be unable to pay premiums due to death, total and permanent disability, or critical illness. While some medical plans require risk-sharing by paying a percentage of the cost of medical care upfront, PB-ING One Health Junior pays medical costs as per plan benefits. The plan is available with a monthly premium rate starting from US$47.97.

Customers aged 18 years to 55 years old who seek comprehensive coverage and potential investment returns can purchase PB-ING One Lady, while those from 18 years to 40 years old can buy PB-ING One Lady Premier. PB-ING One Health Junior covers children from age 30 days to 17 years old.

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