, Vietnam

VietinBank deploys Western Union via SMS

VietinBank becomes the first bank in Asia to successfully deploy Western Union money transfer via SMS.


This service allows customers to use mobile phones to receive remittances through Western Union quickly and at any places. This product best suits customers who regularly receive remittances through Western Union and those are far from transaction counters of the bank.

Customers only need to have ATM or deposit accounts at VietinBank and register to use its electronic banking services SMS/Mobile Banking to enjoy the service.

To use the service, customers are only required to send messages, including information about money transfer code, amount expected to receive, currency type and code of the sending country to 8149. After receiving response messages from the system, customers create another message to confirm information. The amount will be credited immediately to the customer’s account upon “Success” notice from the system.

In case customers do not provide accurate information, the system will not credit the amount directly to the customer’s account and will notify customers to re-do the process or to receive money at VietinBank’s counters.

VietinBank has previously collaborated with Western Union Money Transfer to research and develop service for customers to receive Western Union money via SMS besides via Internet Banking.

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