, Malaysia

Eliathamby and others appointed to Maybank board

Maybank appointed Mr. Sreesanthan Eliathamby, Dato’ Johan Ariffin, Mr Cheah Teik Seng and Mr Alister Maitland to its Board of Directors effective 26 August.

The appointments bring to more than half the number of independent directors on the Maybank Board. The Board will now have a total of 12 directors – one executive director, four non-independent non-executive directors and seven independent non-executive directors.

Mr Sreesanthan Eliathamby, 48, is an Advocate & Solicitor and a Partner with the legal firm of Messrs Kadir, Andri & Partners. Mr. Sreesanthan obtained his undergraduate law degree from the University of Malaya and his post graduate degree in law from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. He currently sits on the Boards of Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad, Scomi Group Berhad and Guinness Anchor Berhad.

Dato’ Johan Ariffin, 50, is currently the Chairman of Mitraland Properties Sdn Bhd and a National Council Member of the Real Estate Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia, besides serving on the boards of several other companies. He obtained his Bachelor in Economics degree from the Indiana University as a government scholar. He completed his Master of Business Administration the University of Miami in 1981

Mr Cheah Teik Seng, 55, sits on the board of various private equity companies in Hong Kong, China and Malaysia. He is also an independent non-executive director of two hedge funds. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Manchester, UK and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Mr. Alister Maitland, 68, is currently Chairman of Folkestone Ltd. Mr Alister Maitland also sits on the board of directors of Lihir Gold Ltd and was previously Chairman of Eastern Health, an Australian government organization.He holds a degree in Commerce from Victoria University, New Zealand.

“We welcome our new directors and are delighted to have them join us. Their combined corporate experience and wise counsel will be a great asset to the Board and the Maybank Group. Our vision for the Group and strategic roadmap for the future to transform Maybank into a leading regional financial services group require that we have in place a Board with diverse knowledge and expertise both local and international to meet the challenges ahead of us,” said Maybank Chairman Tan Sri Mohamed Basir Ahmad.

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