
Maybank accused of under-reporting loss

Maybank accused of under-reporting loss

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said Maybank's $225 million reporting discrepancy came from its devalued overseas investments.

CIMB offers low-risk Shariah investment

CIMB-Principal launched a tax-efficient alternative to traditional deposits, which provides potentially higher returns and allows withdrawal anytime without penalty.

Zaharrudin to replace retiring Ahmad as Maybank chair

Maybank Chairman Tan Sri Mohamed Basir bin Ahmad will not seek reappointment at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting on 30 September and will retire. Maybank has obtained the approval of Bank Negara Malaysia to appoint Tan Sri Megat Zaharuddin Megat Mohd Nor as the new Chairman of Maybank effective 1 October 2009.

CIMB officially rebranded and listed

CIMB Group CEO Datuk Seri Nazir Tun Razak said the banks was now at "day one" with the brand change from Bumiputra Commerce complete for all 36,000 employees.

Can CIMB manage the daunting task of promoting Islamic finance?

Badlisyah Abdul Ghani, CEO of CIMB Bank speaks to Bryan Camoens and Mirzan Mansoor about the bank’s strategies to circumvent the challenge of lack of information about Islamic finance.

Eliathamby and others appointed to Maybank board

Maybank appointed Mr. Sreesanthan Eliathamby, Dato’ Johan Ariffin, Mr Cheah Teik Seng and Mr Alister Maitland to its Board of Directors effective 26 August.

Sound basics help Alliance bring up profit by 21%

Alliance Financial Group recorded a quarter on quarter improvement of 21 percent with an operating profit of US$33.2 million for the second quarter. This is an increase of US$5.67 million or 21 percent from the last quarter ended 31 March 2009.

Ambank’s quarterly profit up by 27%

Ambank Group recorded a profit after tax and minority interests of $731.34 million for the first quarter of its financial year ending 31 March 2010, thanks to its Retail Banking business. This represents an increase of 27 percent over its previous corresponding quarter and annualised earnings per share of $.1074 and post-tax return on equity of 13.1 percent.

Malay, Singaporean banks tie-up for yuan trade

Hong Leong Bank partnered with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Singapore to offer trade settlement services in Yuan. This is part of China’s plan to make yuan convertible.

Maybank tailor-fits shariah for mid-markets

Maybank Islamic launched a Shariah-compliant trade finance solution tailor-made for middle market and corporate customers involved with commodity-based products.

Maybank opens fifth branch in Cambodia

Maybank has expanded its branch network in Cambodia with the opening of the fifth branch in the country. It is located at Chbar Ampov Town, south east of Phnom Penh City.

RHB wins tech award with SunGard's solution

RHB Bank received Celent's 2009 Model Bank of the Year award for its use of SunGard's Ambit Treasury Management solution.

RHB simplifies banking experience

RHB wants its products easily understood, relevant and attractive, while making banking experience convenient through its concept "Easy by RHB".

Public Bank offers Man U cards

Public Bank and AIG Consumer Finance Group formed a partnership in issuing and distributing Manchester United MasterCard credit cards in Malaysia.

Public Bank net rises 3% on financing gains

Public Bank Group achieved a net profit of US$339.3 million in the first half of 2009. While the bank’s net profit for the same period in 2008 was US$367.59 million, it included a one-off goodwill payment of US$56.55 million from ING Asia/Pacific Limited in respect of the Group’s regional bancassurance distribution alliance with ING.

OCBC, Great Eastern collaborate in bancassurance

OCBC Malaysia will grow its bancasurance business by distributing Great Eastern Life Assurance developed products through its 29 conventional banking branches. This is made possible by the partnership formed between the two groups in the area of bancassurance following the recent liberalisation of the financial services sector in Malaysia.

Jalil, Shahudin and Wai appointed to Maybank board

Maybank appointed three directors to the Board, namely Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hadenan Jalil, Dato’ Seri Ismail Shahudin and Dato’ Dr Tan Tat Wai. It is effective 15 July 2009.