Hong Leong-EON Bank merger poses problem on employees
National Union of Bank Employees hits Bank Negara’s non-consultation with union on looming merger’s adverse effects.
The National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) is concerned over the adverse impact the impending Hong Leong Bank Bhd (HLB) and EON Bank merger will have on employees of both banks.
General secretary J. Solomon, said NUBE was disappointed it was not consulted by Bank Negara as clerical and non-clerical employees of both banks, who are members of the union, would be directly impacted by job losses.
“The non-consultation with NUBE on this merger creates anxiety among its members and gives room to suspect the adverse impact on the workers as a result of this merger.
“We are also perturbed as to why merger talks are taking place when both HLB and EON Bank are performing well,” he said in a statement on Wednesday.
View the full story in the Malaysian Star.