ME Bank assures clients of strong financial position
Over the next few months Members Equity Bank will gradually introduce a new logo and colours to remind bankers that it is theirs.
"We hope that the new logo will be a permanent reminder that it is your bank and that you will be happy to say 'it's me bank,'" according to a bank statement.
The new logo is simpler, and while the name Members Equity Bank hasn’t changed, the bank wants to be called "ME Bank" to make it easier.
"You will notice that we have kept the smile in our logo as we believe that this is why we exist: to ensure that you are happy to bank with an organisation whose core purpose is to provide you with low cost banking, whilst delivering great customer service," the bank statement reads.
The bank, however, reminded clients that despite the ongoing changes in the global financial market, ME Bank remains in a strong financial position.
"We are proud of our growth and what we represent – a strong alternative in the banking industry for Australian consumers," the bank emphasized.